Soul Essence traject
The Soul Essence journey is designed to guide you on a path of self-discovery, personal growth, and spiritual transformation. Together, we will peel back layers of conditioning and limiting beliefs so that you can uncover your true essence at a deeper level.
The Soul Essence journey is a personalized and private experience. We will begin with an intake session to discuss your goals and needs, allowing us to tailor the journey specifically for you. Throughout the process, I will guide and support you in discovering your unique gifts and talents and how to practically integrate them into your daily life.
In this intensive journey, we will delve deep into your personal growth and self-discovery, identifying and transforming any blocks that may be hindering your full potential. Additionally, we will explore your life purpose and address any obstacles that may be standing in the way of fulfilling your soul's mission. Through various techniques such as healing, reading, channeled messages, and regressions to past lives, we will enhance your self-healing abilities and strengthen the connection with your true essence.
You set the pace, and I will accompany you through this profound transformation. Together, we will determine what is needed and how to structure the journey. The cost and duration will be decided in mutual agreement. We will work in one-on-one sessions, focusing on what requires attention at that particular moment.
This journey can take place either in person at Orgiva or through Zoom.