

Jan de Bruyckere

Jan has over 15 years of experience in facilitating individuals and groups in personal transformation processes. His expertise in personal development, bodywork, energy work, men's circles, and (family) constellations guides you to the point where you can choose to become a higher version of your self. Jan loves to be present in silence. His simple and unique approach creates a safe and magical space where you can release your blocked emotions and dysfunctional patterns.

Lieve van Passen

LIEF is a facilitator with a passion for personal growth and education. With a background in educational innovation, Lief guides individuals to discover and let shine their authentic selves. Her presence circles, women circles, bodyflow, (family) constellations, heart sharings, and theatre workshops create transformative spaces where participants can explore their inner world, heal past wounds and rediscover the magic within. Lief's warm presence inspires others to live in higher vibrations and live life in love, joy, and simplicity.

Wilco van der Vijver

Wilco is an inspiring facilitator with a profound passion for Nature , music (self)healing and self discovery. His deep connection with Nature is clearly felt in his circles, where he encourages others to embrace the beauty of the natural world.
Through men's circles and storytelling he fosters brotherhood and profound healing, helping participants to connect with there true nature and to find inner strength. After a life-changing journey of self healing and overcoming burnout, he now prioritizes Joy and Freedom, helping others to do the same

Carly van der Mierden


Carly is an intuitive life coach and energy healer with a natural talent for sensing the world of energy and spirit. Her passion lies in providing spiritual insight and soul coaching, empowering individuals to embrace their true essence and heal from past traumas.  With a background as a trainer, coach, and energetic therapist, she integrates various modalities to create unique and powerful experiences. Carly's authentic and heartfelt approach enables deep connections and growth within the group dynamic, allowing individuals to feel seen and heard.